Script Programmer: Arturo Justo Ibánez
Before joining RAS four years ago, I was working in a group called
Noria Works, creators of Speed Haste and Thunder Off. I then begun
a strategy project of the C&C kind; due to insufficient funds
this firm joined another and the whole thing was renamed Hammer
Technologies. I started working there on a Volleyball project, but
since I did not agree with the firm's policy I left and entered
in contact with Rebel; they really liked my CV because, in spite
of being 20 years, I already had 3 years of experience in the industry.
C is in the background, since the programmer run Blade using it
and so that it can be debugged, it's also useful for breakpoints
and variable checking. The two windows in front are the winblade
window and the console known from the other desktop pictures. If
you noticed the word "Dracula" in the Console, it is the
name of an enemy, when we create an enemy we tell Blade wich race
it is and give it 'an inner name' which can be used as a reference
for later editing. Sometimes we use names as Dracula or something
based on cartoons to make things funnier.
In this picture, an enemy generator was being
created; more precisely, working on the effect that is generated
when the enemy gets through the floor level, it's cool, I really
like the obtained will see. In the winblade window
you can see the words 'Left' and 'Right'. This is part of the biped
system we use, that give us information about which foot is touching
ground. The blue text tell us about the current working animations
and the enemy state.
What makes a good script? It has to do with playability, speed,
FX and this kind of stuff, a bad script would be the other way round.
The funniest part is when you build a scripted scene and, sometimes,
thing happens different than expected, so the characters behave
in curious ways. It is nice to see the final result, of course!
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