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Tuesday, 27. February 2001

OpenGL Renderer - posted by Dr.Haggard @ 17:04

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Rebel Act have released the (alpha) OpenGL raster for Severance\BoD, you can grab it from our downloads page.
Please note that this is unsupported, but may be of some use if you're having trouble with D3D. Rebel Act promise to release another version soon, with many of the minor problems ironed out. Be sure to read the readme before using it.
If you're interested in my own personal findings with the renderer, check out this thread on the official forums (only after a brief play around, so don't assume this is a scientific test of the renderer!). I'd also like to encourage anyone else who tries it to post your results and opinions on the same thread.

# 1

Comment by: j_bo

Great job guys! Thanks for the OpenGL patch.;) I couldn't run the game in straight D3D without it crashing back to 640x480 software. Now I can use OpenGL and the game looks AWESOME!



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