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Sunday, 25. February 2001

Review at GameOver - posted by Dr.Haggard @ 22:29

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US site GameOver have reviewed Blade of Darkness, and though they only give it 73% overall it's a pretty positive review and an interesting read (oh, except for a misinformed and very misleading description of mulitplayer!).

# 1

Comment by: puppet

The review gives low marks for multiplayer.......hehehe..there isn't any...
and story line...who has time for book learnin' when your choppin' heads anyway? Other than that they seemed to like it.

Hey Doc.....somebody spill a martini on the server over at Rebel Act?

# 2

Comment by: DrHaggard

lol. Some people eh? He clearly hasn't played Arena mode, and hasn't even read the manual by the sound of things. It's sickening that someone who is obviously not qualified to review a game, and can't do a half decent job of it, might actually influence people *not* to buy the game based on misinformation.

Not sure what's going on with the RAS server, just discovered that the reason no one is posting on the boards is because there's no space on the server. I'm sure Warlock is on the case, but I'll email him just to make sure he knows.



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