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Friday, 23. February 2001

Eurogamer Review - posted by Warlock @ 12:39

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There is a new review up on Eurogamer. It's a well done review and probably your best bet if you're still wondering if Severance is the right game for you. Here's a snippet:

What makes Severance really shine though is that each of these characters follows an entirely different path through the game, so while the dwarf starts the game battling his way through a string of mines and fortresses that have been over-run by orcs, the knight begins in a prison cell having been captured by a traitor and must escape from a castle before continuing his quest. Effectively you are getting four games in one, with different missions, maps, special attacks and tactics for each of the characters.



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If you got the game, which character are you playing?

Sargon (Knight)

Tukaram (Barbarian)

Nagflar (Dwarf)

Zoe (Amazon)

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