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Wednesday, 21. February 2001

2 new reviews - posted by Warlock @ 15:51

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There's a brief review up on DailyRadar UK where lack of strafing and too low paced action is turned into a big issue and takes up half the text, but otherwise it seems positive (not quite sure what they thought really...).

German gamingsite GameSurf, on the other hand, are very positive in their review, scoring 9/10 and awarded "GameSurf TopTitel".

Stick a BabelFish in your ear if needed!

# 1

Comment by: KaRRiLLioN

The lack of a strafe is huge. I've played the demo and it is a major pain to navigate around corners with no sidestepping. How in the heck are you supposed to peek briefly around a corner? You can't, you'll just get blindsided by whatever is there. I think it's inexcuseable! After playing Rune, this game is like stepping forward technologically, and stepping back control-wise.

# 2

Comment by: DrHaggard

It is not a huge issue at all. You just need to get out of the frame of mind that's telling you it needs to be there! Believe me, if you play for a while (without a biased attitude about it) you will realise it's not as important as you think (and I am a big FPS player, so when I first played Blade I also expected a strafe). Also don't forget that you CAN strafe to you hearts content when you're fighting.

As for not being able to 'peek' around corners, it's no trouble at all using the 'look' command (similar to Tomb Raider) if you stand in a good position. Plus if you walk blindly through a doorway or around a corner you will always know if there's anything there in plenty of time, because it's icon will appear in your hud - then you just hit your target lock key and you automatically face it, draw your weapon (if it was sheathed) and adopt combat stance - and in combat mode you're able to strafe :-)

# 3

Comment by: Tinaja

I agree with the article's author - the lack of a strafe ability, and the annoying push-twice to run thing are 2 major negatives - I don't agree with the tone of the rest of the article, though. In the demo, at least, you could turn the gore off, leaving you with an incredibly well-done game. The motion captured animations are seamless and realistic, and the lighting and texturing is the best I've seen in a long while - kudos on the artwork.

Please add a method to strafe - there is no good argument against it. Secondly, a run toggle that can be bound to a key would be helpful. There are times you need to walk, but very few - especially after you have been through the same area a dozen times.



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