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Friday, 15. September 2000

On release dates... - posted by Warlock @ 12:15

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Xavier made a post, over at the new and improved official forums, clearing up some confusion going on around the release date(s) of the game. Here's how it is:

Spain/South America: Winter 2000
Rest of Europe: Winter 2000
USA: Q1 2001

I assume that the "winter 2000"-phrase still means November 2000...

# 1

Comment by: Vinnie

Hey Warlock there are 2 or 3 screenshots that are new for me in the 'imágenes' in 'multimedia' ,at that site, too!! Look for yourself if you wanna see! I've never seen them yet and I've more than 152 images (new ones, not from the very long time ago)

# 2

Comment by: Warlock

Correct, but I have posted about those before. RdB usually adds a new screenshot every week - like we did a while ago.

Glad you found them and keep an eye out for more screens at RdB :-)

# 3

Comment by: Vinnie

yeah, sure I will!! With pleasure!! ):-|o



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