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Thursday, 15. February 2001

Severance Boycotted in Sweden? - posted by Dr.Haggard @ 11:57

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This morning we received information from an anonymous source that Swedish retailers have decided not to stock Severance: Blade of Darkness on their shelves. Now, it seemed pretty unlikely that Swedish game retailers would all join together in a national boycott of the game, but nevertheless we couldn't dismiss the possibility. Codemasters have denied that there is any sort of organized boycott in Scandinavia, but have disclosed that there are indeed "problems with some of the major retailers, who consider the game to be too violent", and admitted that the 18 certificate is causing them problems in certain countries. This is despite the fact that Severance has received rave reviews in the Scandinavian media.

Nevertheless this certainly doesn't equate to a ban, so if gamers find they can't even buy it from smaller independant retailers, they will certainly be able to order it from overseas. If you're in Sweden why don't you give your local game store a call and ask them about it? Even try to pre-order it, and put some pressure on them :-)

# 1

Comment by: Warlock

I've read at Scandinavian gaming site, GameReactor, that Vision Park (the scandinavian distributor) had problems with a couple of scandinavian magazines refusing to print the ad of the Barbarian holding his mutilated arm. Well, it's a bit understandable really...

It seems strange though, as violence in videogames has never been a problem in Scandinavia (not in Norway anyway, as far as I'm aware of). I'm surprised that these reactions come from Scandinavia and not other countries, which are better known for having restrictions to gore effects in games.

Of course, it could be rumours spread to bring the medias attention...all PR is good, right? ...

# 2

Comment by: Nemesis

I am planning on getting this game. And if they dont sell it where I live, well, I'll just have to *cough* get it somewhere else. Its all really stupid, cause they are kind of encouraging piracy... since that will be the only way for the people who lives is scandinavia to get the game, unless they want to pay $20 extra for the shipping. So, no... Bad, bad idea. Really.

Btw, they sold Soldier of Fortune there without complaining or anything. But, oh well, its their mistake...



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