############################################################################ Arena v 1.3 - by Masklin Dec-2000 ############################################################################ Translation by BirdMadBoy and Don Description: No. Not net playing, nor multiplayer fighting. Arena is a script that enhances one of blade playability key points: combat. With Arena you will have as enemies as you want, playing with the level you want and in the place you most like ( only locations from the demo, that is). Move to a place of your choice in the map (V Key), kill those enemies with (M). Up Sargon some levels(N). Put the armour you want(T) and choose a great shield (E). Perhaps that pointy one from the barbarian. The weapon (A): a simple knife, a 2 meter long big sword, an axe or even you can take a try with bow and arrows. Last but not least, create some bots(S), a traitor one, a spider, a kaos or a Dark knight, or even a Sargon clone and "Fight". If you survive you can change the cam view point to an enemy perspective and take a shot. New in version 1.3: use magic attacks (LALT), revive everytime you want (I), even play as the casttle's ghost (8-9). Arena adds these functions: Create Enemy - S Key Creates an enemy near you. Position is aproximately 2 or 3 meters around you. The enemies class and weapons depend on your level. At the first levels almost all of them will be little things ("cositas", official name), but later there will be lots of traitor or dark knights, or a kaos, or ragnar, or even Sargon himself. You can create as much as you want. But beware of close spaces, or you'll full the walls with baddies. Kill Enemy - M Key Eliminates the faced enemy. Useful sometimes :-). Travel - V Key Move your character to another location in the demo map. There are some predefined locations, but it´s easy to add more. I chose the ones that seem better for combat. We are thinking about combat, not playing the demo, so it's posible to get stunk at an advanced location, and not being able to continue, just 'cos we don't have any keys, or enough level, etc. Pushing V repeatidly, you can move around all locations. There are zones in the map where enemies created dont work properly as if they were blind, so they dont attack. Up Level - N Key Up Sargon level. Enemies generated since that moment, will be stronger, too. Change Weapon - A Key Change your weapon. Some weapons may need greater levels to use them. Change Shield - E Key Same with shields. There are some weapon/shield/armour that can lead to a crash. Change Armour - T Key Same with the armours. There are three types. Make enemy angry - F Key Is that, so the enemy faced attacks more furious. He is more agressive, but less defensive. Change Camera - C/B Keys With C camera moves to the faced enemy actual position, some meters above With B camera returns to player default view. Enable/Disable Bow - R Key Creates a Bow with 50 arrows. Using (R) eliminates the bow. I have had lots of problems with this so i put apart from the rest of the weapons. Use this at your own risk... although who can resist playing with it :-) Enable/Disable God Mode - D Key Enables/Disables invencibility. Reset - I Sargon loses all his weaponry, and he returns to level 1, whith life at maximum. All the arena enemies are eliminated. Surrounding corpses are cleaned, although some bits remain, as well as the weapons. This makes increase the game frame rate after a carnage. Clean Area - G Eliminates all the corpses around, although some bits remain, as well as the weapons. Useful to improve rendering (BirdMadBoy). Choose Magic Attack - 1-4 Allows us to choose one of the avaliable magic attacks: fire ball, laser, energy ball or missiles. Fire Magic Attack - LALT Fires chosen magic attack against face enemy. Forward/Backwards in ghost mode - 8/9 Allows advancing/moving back, going through walls, doors,... Just a curiosity, the same as for if you tap the zero key. Installation: I tried to make it as inofensive as possible. You can use it with the yodda mod installed too. Just copy Arena.py to the Scripts folder and cfg.py to Maps\Ragnar_M2. Start demo and that´s all. Enjoy!! Notes: * Check the keys map; there can be problems if you already use these keys You can change arena keys. Edit Arena.py and change the defined keys at the bottom of the script: Bladex.AssocKey("Viajar", "Keyboard", "V", 1) # travel Bladex.AssocKey("AumentaNivel", "Keyboard", "N", 1) # up level Bladex.AssocKey("CreaEnemigo", "Keyboard", "S", 1) # create enemy Bladex.AssocKey("CambiaArma", "Keyboard", "A", 1) # change weapon Bladex.AssocKey("CambiarEscudo","Keyboard", "E", 1) # change shield Bladex.AssocKey("CambiaArmadura","Keyboard","T", 1) # change armour Bladex.AssocKey("CambiaCamara", "Keyboard", "C", 1) # change camera to enemy pos Bladex.AssocKey("BackCamara", "Keyboard", "B", 1) # reset camera Bladex.AssocKey("Mata", "Keyboard", "M", 1) # kill enemy Bladex.AssocKey("Mosquea", "Keyboard", "F", 1) # make enemy angry Bladex.AssocKey("ToggleArco", "Keyboard", "R", 1) # togglebow Bladex.AssocKey("GrabaPosicion","Keyboard", "P", 1) # save position( to use it later with travel) Bladex.AssocKey("ModoDios", "Keyboard", "D", 1) # God mode * If you changed cfg.py file for any reason, then you just need to add this line: execfile("../../Scripts/Arena.py") before execfile("inicioscene.py") in case you changed iniciosce.py file name to pass the intro scene. Tech notes: * Activating this mod you can suffer bugs and crashes; so if demo doesn´t work correctly try to disable Arena mod before reporting any bug to RAS. * It´s easy to add more functions to Arena. If you add something, please comment the changes in the forums so everyone can enjoy too. Legal stuff, or so( well, i don´t translate this ): Arena es un script que añade nuevas funciones a la demo de Blade desarrollada por Rebel Act; todos los derechos y todo el mérito es de RAS por este juego genial. Arena se distribuye en el Foro de RAS por pura diversión, aprovechando la gentileza de Rebel Act de dejar abierto parte del código fuente en su demo. Si esto supone un contratiempo para RAS o existen conflictos legales, no hay problema, lo dejamos de inmediato. Masklin ############################################################################ Revisions: 1.0 Original Version 1.1 * Cfg.py changed to load Arena before Inicioscene so there are no problems if you changed inicioscene name to pass the intro. (BirdMadBoy) * Added Dark_Knight enemy. (BirdMadBoy). * Added God mode. * Modified level where Escudo1(shield1) appears. * Max level is 19(Sorry Maldo). 1.2 * Fire arrows by default. * More locations. * Enemy work at any location. 1.3 * Travel resets player's character (heals wounds, puts life to the max...) * BirdMadBoy's respawn function has been integrated. The method is a bit different from what he proposed, but the main idea is the same: when Sargon dies, he revives automatically. It's activated by default. A key for activating/deactivating can be defined decommenting the respective line in the keyboard map. * An initializing key (I) has been added, which leaves Sargon without armament, totally cured and with level 1. It also eliminates all surrounding enemies, and it cleans the area of guts. I haven't been able to remove armours. * The Clean Area option (G), by BirdMadBoy, has been added. * The two-handed weapons are now handled as they should. Initially, Sargon takes them wrongly, but when fight starts, Sargon handles them properly. * At last armours are put on directilly. Although i don't know how to take off them, yet. * Special effects have been added to a lot of functions: travel, up level, enemy creation... * The Kill Enemy function uses different techniques now :) * I have included a few magic attacks. You select them with the 1-4 keys, and fire with LALT. I haven't found magic attacks for the knight, so i have adapted the ones from DarkLord, Salamander, DalGurak. Of course, the effect can be not the same found in the original game, but it can serve us to see what can we expect. I haven't added neither level or energy limits. * I have defined two keys to advance/move back (8-9) in ghost mode: you can trespass walls, doors,... impressive how good designed the stage is. There are hardly no fake walls, everything is consistent. You can go underground (0) too. ################### Translation by BirdMadBoy & Don. 1.3 Ethilic translation by Don. ###################